The Five Methods and 1-2-3 Fighting Concept of Eagle Claw Kung Fu and Good Fighting:

The Five Methods:

  • The Eyes-the eyes should be sharp and piercing
  • The Mind- the mind should be calm and alert
  • The Hands-the hands should be supple and fast changing
  • The Footwork-the footwork should be agile and quick
  • The Bodywork-the bodywork should be flexible and coordinated

The 1-2-3 Fighting Concept: (This combative strategy sounds simple but requires expertise, practice, and boldness/courage to execute)

  • Take the opponent’s skill-study what the opponent is doing, and use it against him
  • Set up the opponent-use false doors, feints, angles, deception, footwork, to deceive the opponent into thinking they understand what is happening
  • Quickly win the fight-three techniques or ten seconds, longer or more complex, will lose the fight, especially if it is multiple opponents